The Derivatives Menu

Instructions for 2023

The strategy is to sell monthly options dates approximately 30-45 days out. Aim for a 25-40 delta on put sales and a 5-25 delta on call sales. Trades are managed about two weeks out.

Spreads, bearish or bullish, are traded 30-45 days out to take advantage of decaying volatility and short term movements. Portfolio weights of less than 3% are recommended.

LEAPs are dated out as long as possible and in small proportions or less than 3% portfolio weight. The strategy this year is to buy them at or near the money for potential 100%-200% gains.

Long stocks and ETFs are strategic investments held for timeframes similar to LEAPs. A 5%-10% portfolio weight is the recommendation for each of these strategic holdings.

Cheese is bought in whole wheels or blocks, preferably from the manufacturer or importer directly.

All prices are mid values and spreads can be wide. Strikes, dates, and pricing may vary due to market conditions.