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Exponential Price Growth of Aged Cheese

Google knows that I like cheese. Yesterday's articles included one about Hook's Cheese Company in Mineral Point, WI. The article talked about the release of a 20lb block of sharp cheddar that had been aged for 20 years. Of course I visited the Hook's Cheese website to see if there was more to learn. After emailing for their retail price list, I find that they do sell cheese mail order. It is a bit old fashioned in that you have call in or place an order by email. Their cheese is generally in block format and sold by the pound with a 5lb minimum order. I have not yet tasted their cheese but I may have to give them a try someday soon.

Interestingly, their sharp cheddar pricing is by the # of years aged. I couldn't help but spot a potentially exponential relationship between the age of the cheese and the price per pound.

The Derivatives Menu

Think of the WSU Pullman Creamery with their indelible cans of Cougar Gold. One could age that for decades in your fridge. A 40 year old can of Cougar gold is theoretically worth about 115X its original price. Aging cheese returns about 6-12% annually!