The Derivatives Menu Denylist Removal Submission

In an attempt to get my hotspot generating tokens again, I am making a submission to to remove my hotspot from the denylist. I took pictures of the antenna and hotspot hardware to attempt to prove the location and validity of this hotspot. What a mess is making. I do not appreciate their false classification of my Helium hotspot that is costing me money daily.

Here is what I came up with to prove my hotspots location. Maybe the second shot should have had my GPS location as well.

Shelter Helium Hotspot

The Derivatives Menu claims a low failure rate on this automated denylist. I must have won the lottery or they are full of it. Something about my hotspot must be suspect. I have not been able to see any graphs or reports, so shrugs. Here is my submission in the queue at I will follow up if I learn anything new.

The Derivatives Menu